Are you a “planner?” I am, but I’m not thrown off too much when things go sideways - I just make a new plan. I know some people who freeze a little when things don’t go as planned, though. They need some recovery time - and then there are those who don’t plan and “fly by the seat of their pants.” I can do that too.
With all of that, I’m really glad that God is a planner!! I am excited about His plan and purpose for my life - it gives me great joy to fulfill it and I’m looking forward to the new year and what God has planned…
Following God is the great adventure and it is the only path to true fulfillment and freedom. Let’s be in the word more, pray more, give more and love more than before - not as a “resolution,” but as a Christian who is following Jesus a little more closely. #justdoit #greatadventure #2023 #newyearsresolution #discipleship #pressingon #shalom #yourjourneytobeingwhole #dailydevotional