Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." John 8:32
Truth is a beautiful and pure place. Our world is so distorted and disfigured by lies and inauthenticity that truth is hard to find and even harder to keep.
There is only one way for us to truly know the truth, and that is to know Jesus - He is “the way, THE TRUTH and the light.” There aren’t many truths or many paths, there is only one. To stay in the truth and continue walking with the Lord, we must learn and follow the Bible. Spoiler alert, just having one isn’t enough. Open it today and seek the Lord, seek the truth, and overcome the distortion of the world. #truth #jesusisthewaythetruthandthelife #bible #discipleship #christianliving #jesuslovesyou #childofgod #shalom #onespiritonechurch #dailydevotional