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  • Christine Ayala

Whose Identity

Have you ever thought about how we label and define people? Our culture does it, but we are even more judgmental in the church - shouldn’t it be the other way around?

“That guy was a drug addict.”

“She had an affair and ruined her family.”

“They went bankrupt.”

“She let herself go and now she’s 100lbs overweight.”

“He didn’t discipline his kids and now their juvenile delinquents.”

Where is the grace in these kinds of statements? Are we so perfect that we can cast stones at others? I remember a time when I was striving to be perfect, like some of the other older women in church, I needed to be like Christ - not like them. He created me to be unique and to have my quirks - not to be perfect. That was His job, not mine!

He calls me chosen, redeemed, beloved and my sins are not part of my identity in Him! I am free and I am whole! #shalom #yourjourneytobeingwhole #createdonpurposeforapurpose #calledandchosen #redeemed #childofgod #freedom #dailydevotional

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