Christine AyalaMar 151 min readWaitingWait. Not our favorite thing to do, is it? I’ve just visited Disney World and there was a lot of waiting in line involved. But not like...
Christine AyalaJan 191 min readRise and Shine!Have you ever been awakened by that phrase and just didn’t want to face the new day or wanted to roll over and go back to sleep? Of...
Christine AyalaJun 10, 20231 min readWith YouDon’t give up! The Lord is at work even if you can’t see it, especially then! He is always moving things in your life forward towards His...
Christine AyalaOct 28, 20221 min readComfort-able?God saved you through Jesus sacrifice and then He gave you the Holy Spirit, who is Helper and Comforter, and dwells within you. “All...
Christine AyalaOct 13, 20221 min readRise UpGod created each one of us with a purpose and plan - this is a whole life plan and for His purposes. We get to enjoy His blessings along...
Christine AyalaOct 7, 20221 min readClimbingHow many times have you been like the guy in this photo? Climbing a mountain in the dark and trusting God for each step? I’ve climbed...
Christine AyalaSep 29, 20221 min readTruthI heard this in a movie last night and found out that it’s something taught in recovery groups. It should be taught to everyone...
Christine AyalaJan 29, 20191 min readJust Do It!Jesus prayed for us to BE there for one another. To share each other’s burdens. To BE one as He and the Father are one. To BE His Church....