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Christine Ayala

In The Morning

This is true for all of us. For many years, mornings were not smooth sailing in our household - and I hated it. The kids were bickering, I was tired and impatient, and it wasn’t good - but it was normal in our culture. I prayed for God to help me in the mornings - to become a “morning person.” I had always resisted the idea that I needed to spend quiet time with the Lord first thing - I had more time later on, and I usually did spend time with Him, just not in the morning. When I prayed that prayer, I really meant it and the Lord showed me that I needed to change my habit.

I wasn’t able to spend a long time, but I began the day with some prayer and devotional time and then worship music went on instead of the TV - it changed the atmosphere in our home. It changed me and made every day better. #justdoit #morningwithgod #discipleship #prayerchangesthings #thelordiswithyou #shalom #yourjourneytobeingwhole #dailydevotional

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