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Christine Ayala

Sabbath Rest

Are you waiting for the right time to “press pause” and stop the noise? To take a break? To rest? God wants us to do this on the regular - every week! We’ve created these lives where every moment is full and fully planned or accounted for - we aren’t giving our soul any time to breath or our spirit any time to for fellowship. God only gets an hour or two on Sundays in this plan - maybe a Wednesday evening too.

“What more could He ask?” you might think. He actually didn’t just ask, He clearly commanded us to take the Sabbath rest. This was for everyone to just stop. Rest. Pray. Eat with and enjoy time with your loved ones. It was a reward that we are no longer slaves, but free to take a day of rest and worship. @josaxton asks, “If we don’t feel free to do it - what are we enslaved by?”

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