It’s pretty amazing that our Father wants to do this for us. And He’ll do it every day. One of the big lies we believe is that we can clean our own heart, we can renew our own spirit. So many people are trying to do this, and failing miserably - and they don’t receive God’s never ending grace.
Just accept that our humanity cannot be overcome by ourselves, Christ is our only way out. His work on the cross was the beginning of the endless grace of God for you and for me. Every day He pours out His grace on our imperfections, our attempts to love and serve others and when we just plain blow it. Let’s offer Him our hearts each morning and let Him work wonders. #powerofchrist #neweverymorning #psalm51 #grace #godisenoughforme #justdoit #newheart #christianliving #onespiritonechurch #shalom #dailydevotional