Thank you @drtonyevans
I used to listen to his radio show on my way home from evening meetings and practices at church many years ago. I appreciated the simple practicality and truth at the end of all the crazy complaining of some church people. I can say that because sometimes, I’m one of them too.
Faith always requires action - steps of faith you take that involve risk and rely on God, not your own strength and experience. That’s what paralyzes so many Christians- they rely on their own strength and experience instead of on God. They don’t live by faith. You must believe God is going to do what He says and that you really can do all things through Christ to take those steps of faith. God will help you but He won’t take the step for you. #justdoit #stepbystep #walkbyfaith #christianliving #discipleship #shalom #yourjourneytobeingwhole #dailydevotional