Today is the day to praise the Lord, to bring glory to His name. Every day is new and every day is about the amazing work of God. The wonder of creation, the beauty of love, and the gift of grace.
No matter what circumstance we awaken to each day, we can choose joy and gladness, or not. But make no mistake about it, it IS a choice. David wrote about making this choice when he was running for his life in the barren wilderness, after being rejected, after losing a child... giving God our worship and praise, glorifying Him with our words and actions - isn’t optional for believers. It’s supposed to be our lifestyle. How does that look in your house? #justdoit #christianliving #praisethelord #thenameofthelordistobepraised #thisisthedaythelordhasmade #fightthegoodfightoffaith #onespiritonechurch #shalom #dailydevotional