I remember thinking that I needed to do a bunch of things to be a mature Christian- like memorize lots of scripture, be strong so I didn’t need help from others, and live my life without winning. Haha - this was impossible and what’s more, it put me on the wrong path.
As I’ve grown to be more mature, I’ve learned that I do recall the scripture I need when I need it, even though I haven’t worked on memorizing that much (maybe I should, but I didn’t grow up doing it like my kids did) because the Holy Spirit brings it up to me and I’ve learned to listen. He is always there to help me and guide me when I listen!
I’ve learned that the only thing I need for strength is my faith, and when my faith has been shaken, it was still enough! It’s even enough to powerfully intercede for others. I believe that prayers of faith are stronger than anything else.
The other thing I’ve learned is that God wants us to need help and when we don’t receive it, we are in big trouble. Go to Him with your need and expect Him to fill it. So accept help when it’s offered, ask for help when you need it and give help when you can! #justdoit #theywillknowusbyourlove #whenimweakheisstrong #dependongod #christianliving #thywordisalampuntomyfeet #shalom #yourjourneytobeingwhole #dailydevotional