It’s easy to feel like you’re alone. Even if you’re surrounded by people, even if you’re married and even if there’s a smile on your face. I’ve been there - in fact I was there a lot until a @jason_upton song changed it all for me. “You’re Not Alone” was the song and I had a recording of it from one of his concerts almost 20 years ago.
God flooded in and showed me that not only am I not alone, but He is with me ALWAYS. He is always real and present and He always will be. There have been so many times that He’s been the only one I had, and He was enough. His grace was sufficient to bring healing, joy and fulfillment. He truly is the lover of my soul. #jesusloverofmysoul #yourenotalone #powerofmusic #neveralone #walkinthespirit #yourjourneytobeingwhole #shalom #dailydevotional